Sunday, May 3, 2009
Karla got stuck working an ambulance shift by herself today (one of the volunteers didn't show), so she invited Sherry to join her on a ride-along as an observer. It was a pretty quiet shift at the Te Puke ambulance station; they only had one call while Sherry was there, a COPD'er who they took to Tauranga hospital. Since Sherry wasn't really allowed to drive the ambulance, she got to take care of the patient in the back on the way. Karla introduced Sherry to the ED nurses, and it was revealed that Sherry was married to someone who worked in the ED, but no one could figure out who it was. Sort of surprising that they couldn't make the connection, really, since there aren't many Yanks working there.
Sherry & Karla after a not-so-hard day's work
Paramedic in training
Meanwhile, Mark wasn't about to try to entertain Ro at the apartment all day, so they headed for Rotorua to get in a little luging. It was a crisp, sunny autumn day today and the fall colors were showing up nicely inland. Sherry packed some snacks for them, so they had a little picnic on the lawn underneath the gondolas before heading up the mountain. Ro enjoyed waving to all the Japanese tourists passing by overhead, and they found him equally fascinating. He happily clowned around for them while they snapped photos of his antics. He's becoming quite the little daredevil on the luge, too. Fond of sharply zig-zagging his way down the track at high speed, he and Mark crashed on several occasions. No major injuries, at least.
Ready for a full day of luging. Lake Rotorua in background
Ro enjoying his chicken nuggets at the outdoor cafe
Two birds squaring off over Ro's last nugget. Does that make them cannibals?
Heading home. Ro showing off the dandelions he picked for Sherry
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