24 March, 2009

Ro's First Day of Primary School

Monday, March 23, 2009

Ro ready for his first day

Playing before class starts

Ro had a great first day...so great, in fact, that after school he left his classroom and went walking down the sidewalk with his new friend, Jack. After waiting IN FRONT OF THE BUILDING, not seeing him leave (gabbing with Isobella's mum), going in his class and finding it empty, coming back outside and catching a glimpse of him leaving the school gate, Sherry hurried down and caught him and Jack about 20 feet from the school on the sidewalk. "We're walking home, Mom, 'cause we're 5," states Ronan proudly. Sherry got the feeling that Ro is the leader here, and Jack the guilty follower. She told Ro that he was not to leave school grounds without her, ever, and if he did so tomorrow, he would be grounded. She asked Jack if his mum knew where he was, and he says "course." So, they waited there, because Sherry wanted to see if his mum REALLY knew he was there.

About 3:15, here his mum comes down the sidewalk, obviously distraught. She gave him a strict talking to, and the teacher Ms. Dohnt was close behind. Ms. Dohnt said she would give the class a talking to tomorrow about rules when the bell rings. Thus, Sherry met Justine, Jack's mom. On the way home they stopped at Tay Street Cafe for an ice cream (apparently a popular idea for other mums and kids, too) and ran into Isobella's (Ro's friend from Kindy) mum there as well.

Afterward, they stopped by Te Ngaio Preserve (a little hidden park with the old-school metal dome shaped monkey bars Ro loves), just off Marine Parade. While there, Sherry met two Irish sisters who live here (one in Hamilton, the other in Tauranga) out with their kids at the park. Jo (from Hamilton) was with her 15 month old daughter. Sherry exchanged numbers with Louise as they had a great talk in the park and she's only been here 4 months (Jo has been here for 2 years). They both loved Ronan's name, of course! Louise's girl Francesca will be 5 in June, and her little one is Annabelle (under 2), although she calls her Tinkerbell. Cute.

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