Sunrise from our balcony, Mt Drury on left
Mark is pulling the weekend shift, but he did stop by the rugby field pre-game to drop off Sherry and wish Ronan well. Ronan was slightly low energy today, but in good company. In fact, his best mate M.J. and he spent most of the second half resting or snacking on the yummies Sherry and other moms bring.
Ro holding up the goalpost
But, when Ro was running, he did run fast, and earned one of the coveted Player Of The Day certificates for his fast running. There are always two given out each game; one to the guy with the most tries, and another to a little rugger for doing whatever it is they excel at. Of course the object is to spread the love around, and give all the boys a little ego boost over the course of the season. Ronan felt so bad for M.J. not getting one yet, he shared the coupons for milk that detached from the bottom with his buddy, so they each had something to hold.Ro & MJ guarding the snack section
Sherry and Ro went back to Karla's so the boys could play for a bit and the girls could share a "cuppa" (tea). Without Tori around to torment - she was at a friend's house - Ro and M.J. spent the majority of time playing with M.J.'s action figures or coloring, and snacked on chicken nuggets Karla made. After a chilly, cloudy morning, the sun broke through and things turned absolutely gorgeous. The Mums decided to get the kids out of superpower imaginary land and go for a walk back down to Blake Park to the playground, and to try to watch the older boys playing full-contact rugby.Ro with his certificate
The playground won out, though Karla did overhear the boys chatting up some girls on the swings, "We play rugby. We played this morning, you know." After spending the rest of the evening outside, Sherry and Ro bid farewell to friends and headed home to clean up and get dinner on. While undressing Ro, she was asking him about his "superpowers," and got quite a giggle from Ro's response. He pointed to his nipple on his bare chest and said "Well, Jack (another mate from rugby and school) says his fire powers shoot out of here, but he's lying." She stifled a laugh, thinking Ro was stating the obvious, however he then said "Everyone knows fire shoots out of here (pointing to the palm of his hand) and even though Jack controls the volcanoes and hot lava, I control the whole world and I can make an earthquake like this..." After Ro karate-chopped the floor and Mum pretended to run from the cracked and quaking earth, she demonstrated to the rugby-dirty pretend fire-wielding super boy that there are some things even superpowers can't get you out a hot soapy bath.
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