Due to a somewhat erratic schedule recently, Mark found himself with a whole week off starting today. Woo-Hoo! No chance of a peaceful sleep-in, though, as Ro was rarin' to go at 05:30...yeesh. We eventually made our way down to Papamoa to hit the toy library, where Ro picked up an airport playset and a Hot Wheels track. Everyone we know here has told us to check out Papamoa Hills Park, and today we finally did.
Entrance to Papamoa Hills Park
The Papamoa Hills are just down the coast from Mt Maunganui, before you get to Te Puke. The path to the top where you can get a view of The Mount is about 1.6km, but feels longer since it's nearly all a steep climb. Ro must not have been in a tramping mood, because he started complaining after walking only about 50 metres, "My legs are bending!" Like an old man, he sat down on the first bench he saw, scarfing down trail mix while carefully avoiding all the nuts. Fortunately, about halfway up, he got his wind when he saw a boy who couldn't have been more than three coming down the trail with his parents. He also struck up a conversation with a 65 year-old guy who passed us on the way up, saying things to him that he would say to a classmate that in this case were just nonsensical, like, "I'm older than you!"
The first of many breaks on the way up
Yet another break
Sherry finally caved in for a little while

Enjoying the view from the electric fence (noticed later)
As we neared the top, avoiding sheep droppings became a chief concern. Ro didn't seem to care, and would stomp on them just to hear them squish, much to Sherry's chagrin. The view as we reached the top was magnificent, even on this overcast day. Looking northwest you could see all of Tauranga and Mt Maunganui, to the northeast was the Pacific Ocean, southwest were rolling hills and the Kaimai range, and southeast was the fertile farmlands around Te Puke and the coast winding away towards Whakatane. There were plenty of sheep for Ro to try to sneak up on, although they never did let him get too close.
This lamb wasn't about to let Ro get near him
Lamb in Papamoa Hills
We stopped at the geologic marker at the highest point in the park, where we found a plastic canister containing a visitor signing book. Ro, of course, wanted to leave his name in it too, taking up half a page in the process. We brought a picnic lunch, and stopped to eat on some nice log benches near the top with a great view, but Sherry wanted to move to a more sheltered venue. It's pretty blustery at the top, and Sherry wasn't too enthused at the idea of eating while surrounded by sheep poo, as if it were going to jump off the grass and into her sandwich. More than likely, though, she didn't want to sit on the logs Ro had just walked on with his sheep poo ridden shoes. If you hadn't guessed, Sherry is the resident germaphobe in our family (she denies this, stating she's just a normal female).
Ro put his John Hancock in the log
Sherry in Papamoa Hills Park
Ro in a "Hobbit Hole"
Steep sheep
Sheep with Mauao in background
Mark probably could have left his shades in the car
"Here, little lamby-lamb!"
This lamb was Sherry's favorite

Heading down
On our way back down, we stopped and ate lunch. Sherry brought a blanket for Ro to picnic on, but made sure he took off his poo shoes first. After we made it down to the carpark and cleaned Ro off as best we could, we headed for Papamoa Beach. It's still too cold to get in the water, but Ro loved getting as sandy as possible. He played with his new toys once we got home, as Sherry prepared sweet & sour chicken for dinner. We watched Burn After Reading once Ro was in bed, and Mark stayed up to root for the Wallabies in the Tri-Nations match as they hosted the Springboks, who need to lose for the All Blacks to have a chance at the title.

Enjoying some cheese and crackers

Ro & Mark on Papamoa Beach
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