We had a relatively quiet week at home, letting our livers recover from the Cook Islands. Ro lost two teeth this week, and now looks like a real snaggletooth. Sherry picked the boys up some toy foam swords, which they've been putting to good use in the evenings, and it keeps Ro out of Sherry's hair when she's cooking.
Ro actually let us pull his tooth out with dental floss
Reading Sunday comics sent by Mark's parents
En garde!
Ro mounts a double-bladed attack
Mark's birthday isn't until next Wednesday, but he'll be working then, so we decided to celebrate it today. Sherry went all-out with the meal, making a roast leg of lamb, mashed kumara, steamed broccoli, and apple pie from scratch. Ro was about to jump out of his pants all through dinner, anxious to open Mark's presents. Since we're going to the test match in Auckland this weekend, it was an All Blacks themed birthday, with cuff links and boxers, and a gorgeous black-and-white pic of Mt Maunganui to hang in Mark's office when we get home.
It looked so good, Ro wanted to eat Mark's food
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