14 December, 2009

Ah, Bugger!


Sherry took Ronan to school today, wearing a black sundress. All the girls in the class came up to her and told her how pretty she looked. All Sherry could think was, "Geez, most of the time I must look like crap!" Ro was jealous, and glommed onto Sherry's leg.

Sherry and Ro swam in our pool after school, then Barnaby came over to play. He and Ro enjoyed setting up toy dinosaurs at the end of our entry hall like bowling pins and knocking them over with a ball. They spent the evening watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory on DVD.

While they were playing, Sherry let out an "Oh no!" as she worked on the laptop. It seems she was trying to change the profile picture on her Facebook page, and accidentally uploaded the wrong picture. Yesterday she had claimed to Mark that she was sunning the back of her legs on the beach to make her [alleged] spider veins less noticeable, so Mark, of course, took a close-up shot of her thigh as she sunbathed to prove her wrong. As Sherry scrolled through the pics, she clicked on the thigh shot thinking, "Why did he take that?", forgetting she was selecting the one to upload to FB. As she tried to delete her new profile pic, Facebook slowed to its usual glacial pace, eliciting cries of frustration and embarrassment from Sherry.

As if that indignation wasn't enough, Sherry was eating chocolate chips while watching a movie (J Lo's Enough), she reached over the arm of the couch to pick up her water glass and spotted a "chocolate chip" on the floor, so she picked it up and ate it. The room was dark, and she bit down on it, feeling an explosion of pus in her mouth. She spit it out, gagging, and ran to the toilet, spotting a bug's leg on her lip and another stuck between her teeth! Eeewwww! She had to floss to get it out. She brushed her teeth three times and gargled and still could taste the darn thing, so she opened a bottle of wine and Skyped her nursing friends back home working the overnight shift. They were cracking up at her misfortune, saying how much they miss Sherry's stories. Sherry stayed up late to tell Mark about her psychological trauma; fortunately, he got home relatively on time (a shift that started busy grew unusually light by the end). Sherry thinks she now has PTBCD: Post-Traumatic Bug-Crunching Disorder, claiming, "but I'm a vegetarian!!!" Mark's reaction was, "this could only happen to you."

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